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Visa Celebrates the Olympic & Paralympic Games Paris 2024 With Expanded Team Visa Roster and Ways for Fans to Engage

Team Visa’s most diverse roster ever includes 147 athletes from 67 countries across 40 Olympic and Paralympic sportsVisa will bring the Olympic and Paralympic Games to life for fans on the ground in Paris and around the world

등록일 2024년07월24일 13시25분 카카오톡 트위터로 보내기 싸이월드 공감 네이버 밴드 공유
Team Visa Olympic and Paralympic Games Paris 2024 (Photo: Business Wire)

With the Opening Ceremony in Paris about two weeks away, Visa (NYSE: V), the Worldwide Payment Technology Partner of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, today announced its final roster of 147 Team Visa athletes for Paris 2024. Visa also shares ways to connect fans to the spirit of Paris 2024, both for those in attendance and those who want to participate at home.

“As the Worldwide Payment Technology Partner of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, we’re excited to integrate Visa products and platforms that create value for both the athlete and fan experience during Paris 2024,” said Frank Cooper, CMO, Visa. “The Team Visa athletes preparing to compete in the Olympic and Paralympic Games Paris 2024 have consistently taken small steps over many years to reach this goal. We have supported these incredible athletes in their quest and want to help share their journeys with the world.”


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