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AFC Energy launches Hyamtec Limited (“Hyamtec”) to unlock the global hydrogen value chain

Delivering next generation Ammonia Cracking Technology

등록일 2024년09월20일 13시33분 카카오톡 트위터로 보내기 싸이월드 공감 네이버 밴드 공유
Aerial view of ammonia cracker site (Photo: Business Wire)

Hyamtec, the UK’s newest hydrogen company, has been launched by AFC Energy plc to deliver next generation modular ammonia cracking technology.

Hyamtec can make on-site, on-demand hydrogen at just 10% of the cost of truck delivered hydrogen and will prioritise natural gas displacement in the hard to abate heavy industrial sectors which account for 50% of global carbon emissions.

Hyamtec will target areas which represent a £40 billion market in the UK alone:

- Hydrogen rich combustible fuel gas for the decarbonisation of industrial heat generation;
- Ammonia conversion of large combustion engines for power generation, marine and mining; and
- Modular purified hydrogen production for fuel cells and transportation.

Hydrogen is the solution for decarbonisation of heavy industry and green hydrogen plants will dominate new capacity and by 2030, up to 20% of hydrogen produced globally will be green. This production will be located where the renewable energy required is abundant plentiful and cheap; however, hydrogen is difficult to store and transport, and it will take decades to install hydrogen pipelines. To transport the hydrogen to where it will be used, typically thousands of miles away, will require it to be moved as ammonia and then converted back to hydrogen.

Hyamtec’s technology can achieve this on-site at the lowest cost and highest efficiency to provide a solution to unlock industrial decarbonisation at scale. Hyamtec crackers have proven their ability to integrate with ammonia combustion engines (as a pilot fuel) and to deliver ISO Grade hydrogen for use in fuel cell applications.

Dr. Mike Rendall, Managing Director of Hyamtec Limited, said:

“Hyamtec is focused on fast tracking the decarbonisation of industry through ammonia and our ammonia cracking technologies. With over £40bn spent per annum on natural gas by industrial users in the UK alone, the global opportunity to displace fossil fuels in industry with ammonia is immense.

The global journey to net zero will require the rapid development of hydrogen-based technologies. We look forward to partnering with industry to support the rapid decarbonisation of the world’s hardest to abate sectors and to announcing Hyamtec’s first commercial deals soon.”


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