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Sonar to Improve the Quality of AI-Generated Code, Provide Automated Fix Recommendations

AI Code Assurance supports the safe and effective use of AI-coding assistants with specialized review and elevated visibility for AI-generated codeAI CodeFix supercharges developer productivity with AI-generated fix recommendations for a better dev

등록일 2024년10월16일 13시50분 카카오톡 트위터로 보내기 싸이월드 공감 네이버 밴드 공유
Sonar introduces AI Code Assurance and AI CodeFix to improve the quality of code produced by generative AI. (Photo: Business Wire)

Sonar, the leading Clean Code solution provider, today announced two new product capabilities for today’s AI-driven software development ecosystem. These new capabilities are designed to support better software development in two critical and distinct ways - Sonar AI Code Assurance and Sonar AI CodeFix improve the quality of code produced by generative AI and enhance Sonar’s offering with AI to deliver a better developer experience, respectively. Both capabilities deepen Sonar’s commitment to the delivery of high-quality, secure code and increasing developer productivity.

AI Code Assurance helps organizations ensure the quality of AI-generated code by thoroughly analyzing the codebase for issues, ensuring that projects using AI tools to generate code meet high standards of quality and security. Today, bad code is already estimated to cost businesses more than a trillion dollars, to be comprehensively checked for quality and security issues.

“AI is transforming the way developers work, streamlining processes, and reducing the toil associated with writing code. As the adoption of AI coding assistants grows, however, we are seeing a new issue emerge: code accountability. AI-generated code needs review by developers, but accountability for doing this is increasingly diluted. As a result, we’re seeing the review step frequently being shortchanged,” said Tariq Shaukat, CEO of Sonar. “With AI Code Assurance, we’re helping organizations ensure that AI written code receives the high level of quality and security review that you would expect from your developers.”


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