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Celonis AgentC: Making AI Agents Work for the Enterprise with Process Intelligence

등록일 2024년11월03일 22시40분 카카오톡 트위터로 보내기 싸이월드 공감 네이버 밴드 공유

Celonis AgentC is a suite of AI agent tools, integrations, and partnerships that enables our community to develop AI agents in the leading AI agent platforms. It also allows them to use AI agents pre-built by partners. All these AI agents are powered by Celonis Process Intelligence, making them understand how the business runs and how to make it run better.

Celonis Process Intelligence provides a unique class of data and business context which is the key to improving processes across systems, departments, and organizations. This intelligence is unique as it spans multiple systems, is enriched with deep business knowledge, and it enables effective enterprise AI, intelligent orchestration, and next-gen cloud applications.

Alex Rinke, co-CEO and co-founder of Celonis, commented: “There’s a clear gap between AI’s promise and what it’s delivering for enterprises. LLMs are impressive, but companies struggle to have them provide tangible business impact. Agents can automate workloads, but they lack the business understanding to do it effectively. To close this gap, enterprise AI needs process intelligence—built with the process data and business context that only Celonis provides. AgentC ensures every agent our community creates is equipped with the business knowledge required to drive the right actions and outcomes.”

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